JointObject Enumeration

Enum identifying the possible entities within a joint


Namespace: HyperX.Types
Assembly: HyperX.Types (in HyperX.Types.dll) Version: (
public enum JointObject


EntireJoint0 The entire joint
Fastener1 The fastener in a fastened single lap joint
Sheet12 The first face sheet in a bolted single, double, or triple shear joint, or in a riveted or bonded joint
Sheet23 The second face sheet in a bolted single, double, or triple shear joint, or in a riveted or bonded joint
Sheet34 The third face sheet in a bolted double or triple shear joint
Sheet45 The fourth face sheet in a bolted triple shear joint
FaceSheetEndCap6 The sheet (FEA entity) in a fastened end cap joint
EndCap7 The end cap (not an FEA entity) in a fastened end cap joint
UpperAdhesive8 The upper adhesive in a bonded joint
LowerAdhesive9 The lower adhesive in a bonded joint
UpperDoubler10 The upper doubler, clevis, or strap in a bonded joint
LowerDoubler11 The lower doubler, clevis, or strap in a bonded joint
EdgeAllowableSheet12 The sheet in an edge allowable joint
Rivet13 The rivet in a riveted single lap joint

See Also