OrthotropicTemperature Class

Orthotropic material temperature dependent properties.


Namespace: HyperX.Scripting
Assembly: HyperX.Scripting (in HyperX.Scripting.dll) Version: (9.0.0)
public sealed class OrthotropicTemperature
Object    OrthotropicTemperature


alpha1 alpha1. Eng: µin/in/Farenheit / SI: µm/m/Kelvin
alpha2 alpha2. Eng: µin/in/Farenheit / SI: µm/m/Kelvin
C C. Eng: B/lb/Farenheit / SI: J/g/K
cd Characteristic Distance. Eng: in / SI: m
d0Compression D0c. Eng: in / SI: m
d0Tension D0t. Eng: in / SI: m
Ec1 Ec1. Eng: Msi / SI: GPa
Ec2 Ec2. Eng: Msi / SI: GPa
ecu1 ecu1. Eng: µin/in / SI: µm/m
ecu2 ecu2. Eng: µin/in / SI: µm/m
ecuai Compression, eOHC. Eng: µin/in / SI: µm/m
ecuoh Tension, eOHT. Eng: µin/in / SI: µm/m
esu12 In-Plane, esu12. Eng: µin/in / SI: µm/m
Et1 Et1. Eng: Msi / SI: GPa
Et2 Et2. Eng: Msi / SI: GPa
etu1 etu1. Eng: µin/in / SI: µm/m
etu2 etu2. Eng: µin/in / SI: µm/m
Fcu1 Fcu1. Eng: ksi / SI: MPa
Fcu2 Fcu2. Eng: ksi / SI: MPa
Fsu12 Fsu12. Eng: ksi / SI: MPa
Fsu13 Fsu13. Eng: ksi / SI: MPa
Fsu23 Fsu23. Eng: ksi / SI: MPa
Ftu1 Ftu1. Eng: ksi / SI: MPa
Ftu2 Ftu2. Eng: ksi / SI: MPa
Ftu3 Ftu3. Eng: ksi / SI: MPa
G12 G12. Eng: Msi / SI: GPa
G13 G13. Eng: Msi / SI: GPa
G23 G23. Eng: Msi / SI: GPa
GIc GIC. Eng: in-lb/in^2 / SI: J/m^2
GIIc GIIC. Eng: in-lb/in^2 / SI: J/m^2
K1 K1. Eng: B-ft/ft^2/hr/Farenheit / SI: W/m/Kelvin
K2 K2. Eng: B-ft/ft^2/hr/Farenheit / SI: W/m/Kelvin
Temperature Temperature. Eng: Farenheit / SI: Celsius
TLc Puck Inclination Parameter, TLc.
TLt Puck Inclination Parameter, TLt.
TTc Puck Inclination Parameter, TTc.
TTt Puck Inclination Parameter, TTt.


AddCurvePoint Add a curve point to a laminate allowable curve.
DeleteCurvePoint Deletes a temperature-dependent property for a material.
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
GetCurvePoint Retrieve an allowable curve point from this temperature's allowable curve points.
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)


OrthotropicAllowableCurvePoints List of the laminate allowable curve points for this temperature.

See Also