DesignVariable Class

Holds design variable data. Min, max, steps, materials.


Namespace: HyperX.Scripting
Assembly: HyperX.Scripting (in HyperX.Scripting.dll) Version: (9.0.0)
public class DesignVariable : IdEntity
Object    IdEntity    DesignVariable


AllowMaterials Returns true if this item supports assigning materials.
AnalysisMaterial Get and set analysis material by name
AnalysisMaterialType Get analysis material type
AnalysisValue Get and set analysis value Note, you cannot set an analysis value if your analysis material is a laminate. In the case of a laminate, the analysis value is derived from thickness, and setting it will throw an error.
(Inherited from IdEntity)
Max Maximum bound for this row. Note, you cannot set a Max if your SizingMaterialType is laminate. In the case of laminates, the Max is determined by the laminate thickness, and setting it will throw an error.
Min Minimum bound for this row. Note, you cannot set a Min if your SizingMaterialType is laminate. In the case of laminates, the Min is determined by the laminate thickness, and setting it will throw an error.
Overrides Collection of overrides by zone for the design variable
SizingMaterialType Get sizing material type
StepSize Step size for this row. Note, you cannot set a StepSize if your SizingMaterialType is laminate. In the case of laminates, the StepSize is null, and setting it will throw an error.
UseAnalysis Use Analysis for Sizing while in Detailed Sizing.


AddMaterials(HashSetInt32) Add sizing materials.
AddMaterials(HashSetString) Add sizing materials.
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
GetAnalysisMaterial Get the material used for analysis, if it exists.
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetSizingMaterials Get a list of materials used for sizing, if they exist.
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
RemoveAnalysisMaterial Remove the analysis material assigned to this variable.
RemoveSizingMaterials Remove sizing materials assigned to this variable.
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)

See Also